Conversion it the desired action that a user does on a website. For an online store, a conversion is an order. For a lead generation site conversion is a contact form completion.
Conversion Rate is the percentage of visitors who perform a specific action on your site (e.g. fill out the contact form, sign up, buy, etc.). For example, if your site gets 100 visitors per day and 1 out of them places an order, then your conversion rate is 1%.
Conversion rate is one of the most important website KPI's (Key Performance Indicator) as it shows how visitors of a website convert to buyers, customers, etc.
If you run marketing campaigns online or offline, then each visitor costs. The bigger the conversion rate is, the less the cost per acquisition (CPA) is.
By increasing the conversion rate, we increase the result without increasing the ad spent!
This procedure is called conversion rate optimization.
The increase of the conversion rate is done through a more targeted, user-friendly and convincing website. Small changes in the content, titles, colors or even the pictures can make a big difference!
Netstudio is a Google Website Optimizer Authorized Consultant. We have the tools and the experience to increase the conversion rate of your website.
Contact us to show what we can do for you!

By Yannis
CEO & Founder
Published on 12 Apr 2009