Lynne online store, one of the biggest Greek fashion brands, was awarded with "SILVER - Online Store Redesign" at Lighthouse e-volution awards 2017!
Boussias Communications, ELTRUN and GRECA held the 6th award ceremony. Over 280 participants took part. Lynne's online store competed to Spitishop, Kentia Home Linen and Sugarfree.
The award confirms the excellent work of Greek web designers and developers, and places Lynne among the best websites like AEGEAN AIRLINES, KOOLFLY, airtickets®, GERMANOS, WIND Hellas, OPAP, Alpha Bank and National Bank.
Congratulations to Kostas for his superb design and Nikos, Stelios, Kyriakos and Vasilis from Netstudio team that developed the website.
We should also congratulate Lynne that trusted us. And we wish that this prize is just the beginning.
Read more about the project here.

By Yannis
CEO & Founder
Published on 20 Oct 2017